REPORT: Nintendo ‘Skymiibo’ Dual Packs & Kaos Trophy Releasing Individually In January


According to a rumor from silverwolf2308 on Instagram and DarkSpyro, we will be getting the Skymiibo (Bowser, Donkey Kong, and their vehicles) released in a dual pack in January. Plus we will also see the release of the Kaos Trophy in an individual package as well.

First of all, no concrete information is available for these images. Location, country, source, etc. But SilverWolf2308 has shared some information before, so it’s not an entirely unsubstantiated claim.

Here are the full images, and then I’ll share my thoughts afterwards

Kaos Trophy #KaosTrophy #Kaos #Skylanders #SkylandersSuperChargers #SuperChargers

A photo posted by Dot 'Lil Wolf' (@silverwolf2308) on

Alright, so this is pretty incredible. This has been a debate since they have been announced whether they would do it or not.

Is it right for the consumer? yes. Is it going to confuse an incredible amount of people? ABSOLUTELY.

From running these blogs, I can tell you first hand, no matter what they put on that packaging, people won’t read it. So unless Nintendo is going to let these figures be used on other platforms, there are going to be a lot of confused kids and parents when they pick these packages up.

Whether that outweighs the decision to release them, that’s up for discussion.

But the Kaos trophy? Again same concept. It’s great for the people who didn’t purchase the Dark Edition, but it is a shame for those who thought they were buying something exclusive (obviously you still get the dark edition of everything else).

Don’t forget, we’ve seen images of the Hot Streak and Stealth elf in individual packaging waaayyy back when, so this isn’t out of the realm of possibility to release things independent of the Starter Pack.